The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Locally or While Living Abroad
Does long-term travel or teaching English inspire you? If so, welcome to the life of an ESL teacher! Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) or Foreign Language (EFL) is a fun and challenging way to find work in your home country or while living abroad.
Though the ESL acronym is broadly used, ESL actually refers to teaching English to non-native speakers within an English language-dominant country such as the US or UK.
By contrast, EFL refers to teaching English in a non-English-speaking country (aka “abroad” or “overseas”).
There are teaching opportunities all over the world with an estimated 1.5 billion1 English language learners out there waiting for you.
What Is Teaching ESL/EFL?
What, specifically, is teaching English as a second or foreign language? It’s about as straightforward as it sounds. There are people all over the world who want to learn English, but they need trained teachers to help them learn the language.
Immigrants from a non-English speaking country to a primarily English-speaking country can significantly benefit from picking up English as a second (or third or fourth) language. They simply need an English teacher.
Meanwhile, those living outside of a non-English speaking country (i.e., “abroad” or “overseas”) might also want to study English as a foreign language, either as a hobby or as part of their academic education or career development.
As the world becomes increasingly globalized, English continues to dominate as a universal language of choice in both business and academia. The demand for ESL/EFL teachers remains high, with many schools willing to pay a decent salary and basic living expenses. It’s an incredible opportunity for anyone who loves to travel but needs a job to make living abroad possible.
What Does a Travel ESL Teacher Do?
Teaching English literature and rules of grammar to students who already know English might be challenging work, but teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language can be even more difficult. To be a successful EFL teacher, expect to start with the basics in your lesson plans, especially if teaching ESL abroad.
Here are some general daily duties of an EFL/ESL teacher:
- Assess current proficiency levels of students or general classrooms
- Create lesson plans
- Develop customized curriculum for students (For instance, young students may need general grammar and reading/writing skills, while business students may need to focus on verbal negotiations and professional vocabulary.)
- Teach lessons via one-on-one or group sessions
- Ensure classes cover all areas required for language acquisition, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking
- Arrange fun breakout activities for students to practice together
- Listen and guide students as they practice
- Ask concept checking questions to ensure students understand lesson material
- Monitor for signs of unique learning obstacles, which can be harder to detect when when living abroad and teaching ESL or EFL to speakers of other languages
- Keep classrooms lively and engaged so students stay focused
- Teach good study techniques so students are empowered to work on their own
How Much Does an ESL Teacher Living and Teaching Abroad Make?
When it comes to salary, there are so many variables, so the income range is very wide. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median income for “Adult Basic and Secondary Education and ESL Teachers” is $55,350 (as of 2020), ranging from under $32,120 to over $95,630.2
Keep in mind, “ESL” typically refers to teaching in an English-speaking nation. So, an ESL teacher’s salary probably won’t be consistent with someone teaching abroad, who might make considerably less than even the lowest salary listed by BLS.
When teaching ESL abroad, you may earn wages in the local currency. And though it may seem like a low salary compared to peers in the US, your living costs while living and teaching abroad will likely be much lower. Let’s look at an example.
You want to be an EFL teacher in Turkey and see a job post in Istanbul offering the equivalent of $1,000 usd per month. That doesn’t sound like very much money, but with the exchange rate, that $1,000 could equal 8,000 Turkish lira—enough to have a reasonable lifestyle in the city you work in.
How do you know how much is “enough?” There are many sites like Expatistan3 that break down the cost of living in various countries and cities.
As with any country, big cities can be vastly more expensive to live in than small towns. So when teaching overseas, it is critical to determine how much your salary would be worth in that country as well as the specific city, instead of comparing the salary to any US dollar standard.
Employers will consider many factors when it comes to salary, such as qualifications and years of experience. However, smaller schools might not be able to afford to pay over a certain amount regardless of education or experience. So, their offered salary is what it is, take it or leave it. Some jobs pay monthly salaries, while others offer hourly wages. Teaching young children might pay less than teaching older kids or adults, and classroom sizes can also impact your pay.
Steps to Becoming an ESL Teacher Abroad
Teaching ESL in the US may have very different requirements than teaching ESL/EFL abroad. For example, if you want to be an American K-12 public school ESL teacher, you’ll most likely need at least a bachelor’s degree and certification or licensure.
However, teaching EFL in a foreign country can be done in small private schools. Many of these employers only require an applicable Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certification as a minimum to apply!
A Day in the Life Teaching ESL Abroad
To gain some insights from someone who has “been there, done that,” here is an interview with John Cates, a certified ESL teacher who formally taught abroad.
John, which country did you teach ESL abroad in?
John: Colombia.
Were you a teacher before that?
John: I wasn’t, no. Well, in a way I was, because I taught various topics in missionary situations to students.
What did you do before you started teaching ESL in Colombia?
John: I was doing missionary work, and I moved to Colombia when I was getting married. While I was there, I ended up teaching for extra income at the same time I was doing my work with the church. Started part-time, later full-time.
How long did you teach English in Colombia?
John: About five or six years!
Did you teach any other subjects, or just English?
John: Just English. And a little Spanish later, actually.
Where’d you teach in Colombia?
John: I worked at a high school named Winston Salem High School and also at Colegio Luz a Las Naciones.
And did you have a TEFL/TESOL certification?
John: Yes. I did it in Colombia.
How long did it take to become certified?
John: Oh, it was only a few weeks, maybe six weeks there? I don’t recall exactly. It went by fast.
What did you think about ESL teaching? Was your experience what you thought it would be like?
John: Yes, it was very pleasant and everything I expected. I loved the children and enjoyed working with them. I liked making new friends with staff, too. It was an adventure in a foreign country, very interesting. Not your ordinary job!
How many other English-speaking teachers did you work with?
John: One of the schools was huge, but we probably only had four English-speaking teachers. Some of the students spoke English already, though.
Did you need to learn Spanish to teach there?
John: Well, I’d already studied a bit of Spanish in high school and college, plus I’d worked in other parts of South America. My future mother-in-law requested I learn more Spanish. Being married and immersed in the culture, I learned a lot. Knowing the native language can be useful when students have problems they can only express in their native language.
What do you think are the top 3 best things about teaching ESL abroad?
John: Number one, learning the history and enjoying the culture. Number two, getting to know the students and staff and their perspectives on life. Maybe that’s all tied together. The third thing, in my opinion, is getting to eat different types of cuisine!
What are the three worst things about teaching ESL abroad?
John: Where I was? Security issues, basically. Some drug trafficking and high risk of theft in some areas. Plus some medical issues, like sicknesses that might be less common in the US. The quality of medical care isn’t always the best in many situations.
How much did you earn per month in relation to your actual living costs in Colombia?
John: My income covered my living costs, but you won’t get rich teaching ESL! You should be able to earn enough to pay your bills. Do your homework on the country to find out about the cost of living. And if you have some side income coming in from the States, that always helps, too!
Do you have any other recommendations for someone wanting to teach ESL abroad?
John: Of course! First make sure you’re fluent in English! You must be able to read, write, listen and speak, and be understood by the listener. Those are the core components. Otherwise, it’ll be a disaster. If you’ve never been overseas, expect culture shock. It’s an adventure, living overseas, getting accustomed to the local manners and food. That might take 2 or 3 years.
Thanks for sharing your stories and advice with us, John!
John: Thanks to you, too, and I hope it’s useful!
- https://www.thoughtco.com/how-many-people-learn-english-globally-1210367#:~:text=There%20are%201.5%20billion%20English,British%20Council%20member%20John%20Knagg.
- https://www.bls.gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/adult-literacy-and-ged-teachers.htm#tab-5
- https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living
- https://www.bestcollegereviews.org/top/online-tefl-certificate-programs/
- https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/teaching-qualifications/celta/