Business Scholarships Overview
Business and financial occupations boast an impressive median annual wage of $72,250, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.1 But before you can land a job that pays that type of salary, you need the right educational background. This starts with completing undergraduate studies, then possibly going on to earn an MBA or similar degree to increase career prospects.
It doesn’t take a financial wizard to understand that acquiring such training costs money. Luckily, opportunities exist to ease the financial burden. Scholarships prove one of the most attractive sources since they provide money that does not need to be paid back.
Tips When Applying to These Scholarships
Just like a good business, a scholarship applicant needs to sell his brand. Solid academic performance and outstanding leadership skills impress sponsors.
Be certain to include transcripts, letters of recommendation, and any other supplemental material requested. Turn in a neat, error-free application. And prove you know the importance of deadlines by getting everything in on time! These scholarships are worth some big bucks, so you’ll want to make sure to nail the application the first time.

10 Business Scholarships Worth $10k or more
Many organizations are ready to “invest” in our future business leaders. Check out these high-reward scholarships for business students:
1. Louis Galambos National Fellowship in Business & Politics
The Hagley Museum and Library, which is dedicated to the preservation and understanding of America’s economic and technological heritage, awards funds to doctoral students working on their dissertation. Winners must include research material from Hagley when writing their paper.
2. UNCF/Best Buy Scholars Program
The United Negro College Fund and Best Buy team up to offer scholarships to low-income students interested in careers in the consumer electronics retail industry. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding academic performance and leadership skills.
3. McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program
The Florida Education Fund awards money annually to up to 50 African American and Hispanic students seeking doctorates. Winners must be enrolled at a participating Florida institution and pursuing a degree in an approved discipline, such as business.
4. Goldberg-Miller Public Finance Scholarship
The Government Finance Officers Association funds an award for students interested in careers in state and local government finance. This scholarship is for graduate students only, so applicants should already possess a bachelor’s degree.
5. Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship
Minority students aspiring to a career in public administration, governmental accounting, finance, political science, economics, or business administration can apply for this scholarship offered by the Government Finance Officers Association.
6. Michael J. Barrett Doctoral Dissertation Award
The Internal Audit Foundation – an industry leader in certification, education, research, and technological guidance – awards money to doctoral candidates interested in internal auditing.
7. Accenture American Indian Scholarship
This competition is open to American Indian and Alaska Native students who want to study business or technology in college. Applicants must show proof of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe. Other qualifications include leadership skills, outstanding academic performance, and demonstrated commitment to their community.
8. Susan R. Meisinger Fellowship for Graduate Study in HR
The SHRM Foundation – a non-profit affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management – assists SHRM members or individuals holding an SHRM Certification who wish to pursue a master’s degree. Applicants must have at least three years of HR work experience under their belt and show a GPA of 3.0 or higher from undergraduate studies or 3.5 or better if currently in graduate school.
9. Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship
The Government Finance Officers Association awards money for part-time graduate study that leads to careers in state and local government finance. People who have worked two or more years in state or local government are eligible with a recommendation from their employer.
10. FACC Foundation Serge Bellanger International Business Degree Scholarship Program
The French-American Chamber of Commerce — NY Foundation sponsors this scholarship in memory of the organization’s longest-serving president. The award supports students hoping to become transatlantic business leaders by helping with tuition for study in the United States and France.
1. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/business-and-financial/home.htm
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