Best Filmmaking colleges in Denver

Best Filmmaking colleges in Denver for 2025

Community College of Aurora offers 3 Filmmaking degree programs. It's a medium sized, public, two-year college in a large city. In 2022, 51 Filmmaking students graduated with students earning 37 Associate's degrees, and 14 Certificates.

University of Denver offers 2 Filmmaking degree programs. It's a large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a large city. In 2022, 17 Filmmaking students graduated with students earning 17 Bachelor's degrees.

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Emily Griffith Technical College offers 1 Filmmaking degree programs. It's a medium sized, public, less than two-year school in a large city. In 2022, 14 Filmmaking students graduated with students earning 14 Certificates.

University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus offers 1 Filmmaking degree programs. It's a very large, public, four-year university in a large city. In 2022, 42 Filmmaking students graduated with students earning 42 Bachelor's degrees.

Top schools offering Filmmaking degrees in Denver

List of all Filmmaking colleges in Denver

School Average Tuition Student Teacher Ratio Enrolled Students
Community College of Aurora Logo Community College of Aurora Aurora, CO
141 : 1 8,343
University of Denver Logo University of Denver Denver, CO
18 : 1 13,734
Emily Griffith Technical College Logo Emily Griffith Technical College Denver, CO     5,313
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus Logo University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus Denver, CO
26 : 1 23,744