Best Industrial and Technical Engineering colleges in Montana

Best Industrial and Technical Engineering colleges in Montana for 2025

Flathead Valley Community College offers 6 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a small, public, two-year college in a outlying rural area. In 2022, 6 Industrial and Technical Engineering students graduated with students earning 3 Associate's degrees, and 3 Certificates.

Montana State University offers 3 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a large, public, four-year university in a remote town. In 2022, 45 Industrial and Technical Engineering students graduated with students earning 33 Bachelor's degrees, 10 Master's degrees, and 2 Doctoral degrees.

Montana State University Billings offers 2 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a small, public, four-year university in a midsize city.

The University of Montana offers 3 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a medium sized, public, four-year university in a small city. In 2022, 3 Industrial and Technical Engineering students graduated with students earning 3 Certificates.

Stone Child College
Box Elder, MT

Stone Child College offers 2 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a very small, public, four-year university in a remote rural area.

Montana State University-Northern offers 1 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a small, public, four-year university in a remote town. In 2022, 1 Industrial and Technical Engineering students graduated with students earning 1 Associate's degree.

Great Falls College Montana State University offers 2 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a small, public, two-year college in a small city. In 2022, 4 Industrial and Technical Engineering students graduated with students earning 2 Associate's degrees, and 2 Certificates.

Dawson Community College offers 1 Industrial and Technical Engineering degree programs. It's a very small, public, two-year college in a remote town. In 2022, 5 Industrial and Technical Engineering students graduated with students earning 5 Associate's degrees.

Top schools offering Industrial and Technical Engineering degrees in Montana

List of all Industrial and Technical Engineering colleges in Montana

School Average Tuition Student Teacher Ratio Enrolled Students
Flathead Valley Community College Logo Flathead Valley Community College Kalispell, MT
33 : 1 2,129
Montana State University Logo Montana State University Bozeman, MT
27 : 1 16,681
Montana State University Billings Logo Montana State University Billings Billings, MT
30 : 1 4,057
The University of Montana Logo The University of Montana Missoula, MT
24 : 1 9,955
Stone Child College Logo Stone Child College Box Elder, MT
22 : 1 281