Best Horticulture colleges in Oregon

Best Horticulture colleges in Oregon for 2025

Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR

Oregon State University offers 3 Horticulture degree programs. It's a very large, public, four-year university in a small city. In 2022, 51 Horticulture students graduated with students earning 50 Bachelor's degrees, and 1 Certificate.

Portland Community College offers 3 Horticulture degree programs. It's a large, public, two-year college in a large city. In 2022, 41 Horticulture students graduated with students earning 27 Certificates, and 14 Associate's degrees.

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Clackamas Community College
Oregon City, OR

Clackamas Community College offers 2 Horticulture degree programs. It's a small, public, two-year college in a large suburb. In 2022, 5 Horticulture students graduated with students earning 3 Certificates, and 2 Associate's degrees.

Umpqua Community College offers 2 Horticulture degree programs. It's a small, public, two-year college in a outlying rural area. In 2022, 1 Horticulture students graduated with students earning 1 Associate's degree.

Linfield University
McMinnville, OR

Linfield University offers 2 Horticulture degree programs. It's a small, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a faraway town. In 2022, 5 Horticulture students graduated with students earning 5 Bachelor's degrees.

Southern Oregon University offers 1 Horticulture degree programs. It's a medium sized, public, four-year university in a midsize suburb. In 2022, 4 Horticulture students graduated with students earning 4 Certificates.

Chemeketa Community College offers 1 Horticulture degree programs. It's a medium sized, public, two-year college in a midsize suburb. In 2022, 4 Horticulture students graduated with students earning 4 Associate's degrees.

Top schools offering Horticulture degrees in Oregon

List of all Horticulture colleges in Oregon

School Average Tuition Student Teacher Ratio Enrolled Students
Oregon State University Logo Oregon State University Corvallis, OR
27 : 1 34,292
Portland Community College Logo Portland Community College Portland, OR
49 : 1 19,400
Clackamas Community College Logo Clackamas Community College Oregon City, OR
37 : 1 4,638
Umpqua Community College Logo Umpqua Community College Roseburg, OR
36 : 1 2,325
Linfield University Logo Linfield University McMinnville, OR
14 : 1 1,754