You’ve filled out the applications, written and re-written your essay, and gathered all your recommendations. All that’s left is to sit back and wait – and plan how you’ll decorate your bed once you’ve been accepted and decided which school you’ll actually attend.
Bed decorating is one of those things that started during the pandemic, and stuck because everybody loved it so much. Originally it was one of the few ways that graduating high school seniors stuck in their rooms during COVID could celebrate and share their good news with their friends. While Zoom school and quarantines are happily behind us, the fun of bed decorating to show college pride is here to stay – and the possibilities for what you can do are endless. Here are ten of our favorite fun ideas for college decision bed decorations.
1. College Color Balloons
Whether you opt for a 5-foot garland in your school’s colors, mylar letter balloons spelling out the name of your future alma mater, or both, balloons are the foundation of the rest of the decorations you’ll use to scream your news to the world.
Photo from University of Pittsburgh
2. Foil Curtains
Foil curtains are available in every color under the sun, but you’ll want to choose the ones that reflect your love of your new school home! Opt for the single signature color that represents your school, or layer different color curtains to display all of your team’s colors.
Photo posted on Pinterest by @markellamarkotsis
3. Boost Your School with Your Bedding
Whether you purchase a comforter direct from your new school’s online store or put together a quilt made of team spirited tee-shirts, the covering of your bed (and matching pillows) will make sure your nights are filled with sweet dreams of your soon-to-be-school.
Photo from yourquiltstyle.com
4. Sneak in Some Coordinating Snacks
If you’re celebrating, you have to have snacks, right? While some schools’ colors are easier to match up with a favorite food’s packaging, there’s no end to how creative you can be. Going to a school whose primary color is red? Think Cheez-Its, Doritos, and Lays Chips. For orange think Fanta soda or Cheetos, and for green-themed schools turn to Life Savers mints and Gatorade. Once you start, you’ll find tons of ideas.
Photo from creativejawnsdesigns.com
5. Order a custom, college-themed celebration cake
Nothing says celebration like cake, right? Your local bakery will be delighted to bake up a double or triple-layer cake done up in your school’s colors and sporting a celebratory message. It’s an Instagram-perfect way to spread the word about your future plans to your followers. … or to sweetly share your joy with your friends.
Photo by creativejawnsdesigns.com
6. Blinged out Bottles
There’s nothing more festive than a bottle of bubbly – even if you’re too young to take a swig for yourself. Bedazzled college bling bottles are some of the cutest decorative touches around, and you can use them to display college color pom poms to make them extra festive. These can be ordered online, or creative types can decorate their own bottles with a hot glue gun, some rhinestones, and a steady hand.
Photo from College Row
7. Pledge Your Allegiance
Stand up and salute your school’s colors by hanging a flag on the wall. Your school store will absolutely have one of these available, and there are plenty of online stores where you can order pennants and flags in all sizes. It will look great on your wall now, and your parents will love displaying it in front of the house to let the neighbors know when you’re back in residence during school breaks.
Photo from The Buzz Magazines
8. Mascot Stuffed Animals
Every college has a mascot – and where there’s a mascot, there’s an adorable stuffy just waiting to sit on your dresser or bed. Make sure your fuzzy friend is big enough to take a starring role in your photos – second only to the photo of you!
9. Streamers, Signs, and Swag, OH MY!
Once you’ve covered your bed, pinned things to your walls, and strewn swag all across your room, you may find yourself staring down a few empty spots. These are easily filled with colorful streamers, garlands, and even flowers in your school’s colors. The goal is to make things as festive as possible, so let your imagination go wild. Think pinwheels and pennants in coordinating school colors intermingled with all kinds of school swag, from tumblers and notebooks to frisbees and sunglasses. Some schools even send out fun signs indicating your new student status, and those are perfect!
Photo from VSCO.co
10. Get Your Gear On
The final piece of the perfect college celebration decoration is YOU! After all, you’re the one whose hard work got you into the school of your dreams. Deck yourself out from head to toe in your school’s caps, tees, sweatshirts, flip-flops, shorts, and scrubs. The sky’s the limit on the available gear, and you should be wearing it all!
Photo from i.pinimg.com
Whether you’re decorating your bedroom for the ‘gram, hosting a bed decorating party, or just so excited about your next step that you’ve got to surround yourself with school swag, college acceptance bedroom decorating is a display of your pride in your accomplishments and all that the future holds. Let your school spirit shine!