What is a College Resume?
When people apply for a job, they submit a resume highlighting their value to the potential employer. For a student trying to get into a college or university, that post-secondary institution serves the same basic purpose. A college resume (sometimes called a high school resume or a resume for college) is a document that offers a snapshot of a student’s high school accomplishments and experiences as well as a glimpse as who they are as a person. It concisely tells the reader about your activities inside and outside of the classroom. A good college resume makes you memorable and generates interest in your candidacy.
Some institutions require students to submit a college resume as part of the application process. Other people who may like to receive a copy include:
- College reps at recruiting events
- College admission interviewers
- Scholarship committees
- Your high school guidance/career counselor
- People you have asked to write you a letter of recommendation
- Prospective employers for summer jobs or internships
Students themselves benefit from the process. Building a college resume demands thorough evaluation of your high school years. The completed document gathers highlights in one central place for easy reference when writing essays or preparing for interviews. Seeing achievements all together also inspires confidence!
What Should I Include On My High School Resume for College Applications?
Every student’s college resume is unique since it reflects his or her own experiences during this period of life. When thinking about what to include, here are some common elements.
Before composing the final document, brainstorm what you might want people to know about you in terms of:
- GPA/class rank
- Special academic accomplishments (such as research projects, AP classes, etc.)
- Honors and awards
- Extracurricular activities (school-based, religious/cultural, lessons, scouts, etc.)
- Paid work experience
- Internships
- Enrichment camps
- Volunteer work/community service
- Special skills (such as proficiency in a foreign language, website design, coding ability, etc.)
- Leadership roles
- Interests (especially ones that are unique, relevant to your intended major, or that you’ve pursued for many years)
- Objectives (what you hope to do in college and/or career goals)
You may have a great deal of material under some topics and little to none for others. That’s ok. The key is to figure out which things to highlight in order to put your best self forward and stand out in the college resume.
3 College Resume Examples
Looking at sample college resumes can help you figure out how to create your own. Here, we offer three college resume examples showcasing individuals with different strengths.
College Resume Example #1
123 Oak Street, Anytown, VA 24559
(595) 262-3445 (mobile)
To further my career goal of becoming a pediatrician, I am seeking admission to an institution with a strong pre-medicine program. I also wish to contribute to the college community by continuing my life-long passion for volunteer work.
Willowbrook Academy, 2020-present (anticipated graduation June 2024)
- GPA of 3.94 (4.0 scale)
- 5 Advanced Placement classes: biology and English literature, 2022-23; chemistry, calculus, and U.S. history, 2023-24
- Independent study research project on improving childhood vaccination rates in low-income communities, 2023-24
- National Honor Society, elected 2023 (junior year)
- Bausch and Lomb Science Award, 2023
- Willowbrook Wildcats Yearbook, editor, 2022-present
- Mathletes, member, 2020-present; named to All-Conference Team, 2022
- Environmental Club, vice-president, 2021-22
- St. John’s Church, soup kitchen, worker, 2018-2021; shift leader, 2022-present
- YMCA summer camp for children with special needs, volunteer counselor, 2023
- Anytown General Hospital, COVID-vaccine registration assistant, 2021
- Anytown Tribune’s Outstanding Area Youth Volunteer Award, 2023
- American Red Cross CPR/First Aid Certification, 2021-present
- Fluent in Spanish
College Resume Example #2
Charles Andrew Smith
1567 N. 28th St., Mycity, FL 34567
casmith23@yahoo.com/(530) 212-6789 (mobile)
MyCity Central High School (2020-present)
813 Central Drive, MyCity, FL 34567
Anticipated graduation, May 2024
GPA 3.45 (4.0 scale)
Captain, varsity football squad, 2023
Fellow teammates elected me to this position. My duties include leading practice drills, speaking at pep rallies, and motivating players to give their best.
Vice President, MyCity Central Athletic Council, 2022-23
After serving as one of the football team’s representatives to this organization for two years, I ran for this position on the executive board. My responsibilities include helping to conduct meetings, fundraising for new sports equipment, and talking to incoming freshmen about the school’s athletic programs.
Co-Founder, MyCity is Your City, 2022
Seeing a need for a safe space in which students of all races, religions, and gender identities could come together to discuss their challenges and find common ground, I joined with two other students to establish this extracurricular club. It meets once a week at lunchtime, and membership has grown from eight at the first gathering to 35 now.
Seasonal building and grounds worker, MyCity Public Works Department, 2022-23
I worked 30 hours per week for two consecutive summers cutting grass in parks, picking up trash along the road, and setting up for community festivals.
Volunteer referee, YMCA, 2020-21
I served as an official for youth football matches every Sunday during the Fall of my freshman and sophomore year.
Heart and Hustle Award, 2022
Given by the MyCity Central football coaches to the team member who best displays passion, sportsmanship, and effort.
Featured in the Florida Daily Newspaper, 2022
The publication profiled me in its “Youth Who Make a Difference” section for working to improve student relations through founding the MyCity is Your City club.
College Resume Example #3
Ariana Marie Thompson
21207 Maple Drive, Appleview, WA 53209
(322) 465-3989 (mobile)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ariana-marie-thompson492u
I am a budding entrepreneur who would like to study business in college. This foundation will help me expand my current company into a larger, more profitable enterprise.
Michelle Obama High School, Sept. 2022-present
234 Obama Way, Orchard Blossom, WA 53399
- GPA: 3.75/4.0
- SAT: 1200 ACT: 29
- Honors classes: European history, computer science, calculus
George Washington High School, Sept. 2020-June 2022
345 Cherry Tree Lane, Founding Fathers, NH 34689
Founder, Jewelry by AMT, 2020-present
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I turned my passion for making jewelry into a profitable business. Sales through Etsy and other outlets topped $9,000 this past year. I do all the marketing and bookkeeping for the company.
Baby-sitting, 2022-present
I am the primary caregiver for my two younger siblings from 3-6 pm daily during the week. I entertain them, help with homework, and start dinner so that we can eat together as a family when our mom gets home from work.
Active parishioner at Orchard Blossom Community Church
Self-taught intermediate-level guitar player
Frequent viewer of TED Talks on entrepreneurship
College Resume Tips
Note that all the sample resumes contain basic information at the top with the “highlight reel” format below. Other important things to remember include:
- Limit the college resume to one page
- Avoid emojis and “cute” or hard-to-read-fonts – they look immature
- Black print tends to be the easiest on the eyes, which someone who reads many resumes appreciates. However, if you’re applying for a creative major, it might not hurt to add some design or use a Canva template to keep it attractive while maintaining professionalism.
- Maintain good margins at the top, bottom, and sides to keep the document looking crisp
- Watch for style consistency throughout, such as putting all topic headings in bold
Very importantly, double-check everything for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. The last thing you want to discover later on is that you made a typo in your phone number!