Top 10 Easiest College Majors

Written by Dev FullBeaker
Published on October 4, 2023 · Updated on October 4, 2023

Top 10 Easiest College Majors

Written by Dev FullBeaker
Published on October 4, 2023 · Updated on October 4, 2023

Finding the right college for you can feel like a daunting process, but the decisions don't end there—you'll also need to declare a major. Figuring out the right major for you is an important choice, and while making choices based on the degree of difficulty shouldn't be your sole determining factor, it's worth knowing which majors are easiest and which are most challenging.

Deciding on the right major can impact future career options and earnings potential. When enrolling at a four-year institution for the first time, you might have your academic career planned out—or so you thought. At least one-third of college students change majors once, while 10% change twice. 

But don't feel like your choice is permanent or will make you stuck—when making your choice, consider your interests and talents, along with career possibilities, how much they pay, and the potential for career growth.

Throughout this page, we spotlight ten of the easiest college majors. Keep reading to see which majors top our list and whether or not these popular options are right for you.

10 Easiest College Majors by GPA

  1. Art 3.77
  2. English 3.68
  3. History 3.67
  4. Computer Science 3.64
  5. Geography 3.64
  6. Political Science 3.58
  7. Psychology 3.57
  8. Philosophy 3.57
  9. Math 3.54
  10.  Foreign Languages 3.44

1. Art - 3.77 GPA

With a GPA of a quarter of a point shy of 4.0, art ranks as the easiest major for undergraduate college students. An undergraduate art major emphasizes the development of various skills while fostering creativity and providing a comprehensive understanding of art's historical and contemporary contexts. Throughout an undergrad's four years, students explore various mediums while cultivating their own artistic voice.

Common courses for an art major include:

  • Introduction to Drawing
  • Art History: Ancient to Modern
  • Painting Techniques and Concepts
  • Sculpture and 3D Design
  • Digital Art and Multimedia
  • Photography

  1. English - 3.68 GPA

An undergraduate major in English centers on the study of English language, literature, and writing while helping students fine-tune critical thinking skills. English majors delve into the complexities of written and spoken communication, enhancing skills in analysis, while covering a wide range of literary works. Students hone their writing and research abilities preparing them for a diverse set of careers in fields like publishing, journalism, education, and more.

Common courses for an English major include:

  • Introduction to Literary Analysis
  • British Literature
  • Survey of American Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Critical Theory and Literary Criticism


  1. History - 3.67 GPA

History majors dive into an exploration of the past, offering insights into complex human societies and events. This major involves the critical analysis of historical narratives and theories, the examination of primary sources, and the development of research and writing skills. 

Throughout their time as history majors, students gain a solid understanding of various subdisciplines of history and their corresponding culture, preparing students for careers in areas like education, research, and law.

Common courses for history majors include:

  • World History
  • American History: Revolution to Reconstruction
  • American Political History
  • Historical Research and Writing
  • History of Non-Western Civilizations


  1. Computer Science - 3.64 GPA

Undergraduate computer science majors tackle an exploration of algorithms, software development, and computational problem-solving. This major equips degree-seekers with the knowledge and skills to design, develop, and analyze computer systems, applications, and software. 

A computer science curriculum not only helps students develop proficiency in programming languages, but also challenges them to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, preparing graduates for careers in software engineering, artificial intelligence, data analysis, and various tech-driven industries.

Common courses for computer science majors include:

  • Introduction to Programming
  • Database Management
  • Operating Systems
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Cybersecurity

  1. Geography - 3.64 GPA

Students pursuing a geography degree explore various elements of the earth, addressing environment, social, and cultural phenomena. This major involves mapping, analyzing, and interpreting geographical data to understand patterns and trends. 

Throughout this undergraduate pathway, students learn about climate, landforms, urban development, and global issues spanning from climate change to social migration. This major equips students with valuable skills that prepare them for fields such as urban planning and environmental management.

Common courses for geography majors include:

  • Physical Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Environmental Sustainability


  1. Political Science - 3.58 GPA

Undergraduate political science majors dive into the study of government, politics, and public policy. This major enables students to analyze political systems, international relations, and the complexities of individuals and institutions within various political contexts. In addition to helping students develop critical thinking, research, and writing skills, a political science degree helps them gain a deeper understanding of past and current political issues. Graduates often pursue degrees in areas spanning from government to education. 

Common courses for political science majors include:

  • Introduction to Political Science
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Political Theory
  • Politics of the American South


  1. Psychology - 3.57 GPA

An undergraduate major in psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. This popular academic option explores topics like cognitive processes, social interactions, and emotional development, offering insight into the complex world of human nature. 

A psychology major emphasizes research methods, critical thinking, and psychological theories, preparing students for careers in counseling, research, clinical psychology, and various socially-focused fields.

Common courses for psychology majors include:

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Research Methods in Psychology

  1. Philosophy - 3.57 GPA

Students pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy delve into the exploration of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and the nature of reality. This academic option encourages critical thinking, rigorous analysis, and the examination of a long list of various philosophical traditions. 

Students develop an understanding of complex ideas while also honing research and writing skills. Graduates come away with versatile analytical and communication skills that are valuable in multiple careers and future graduate-level work.

Common courses for philosophy majors include:

  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Ethics and Moral Philosophy
  • Epistemology
  • Metaphysics
  • Ancient and Modern Philosophy


  1. Math - 3.54 GPA

A Bachelor's Degree in Math ranks among one of our easiest majors, but it still involves an intensive exploration of mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques. This major equips students with the analytical skills necessary to dig into complex mathematical structures and to formulate precise solutions. 

This major fosters logical thinking and a deep understanding of math theories, preparing math grads for careers in diverse fields like education, finance, and data analysis.

Common courses in math include:

  • Advanced Calculus
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Abstract Algebra
  • Real Analysis


  1. Foreign Languages - 3.44 GPA

An undergraduate major in foreign language immerses students in the study of languages and cultures. This major fosters linguistic proficiency, cultural competence, and a deep understanding and appreciation of global diversity. 

Students engage with various languages, enhancing their communication skills, critical thinking, and cross-cultural understanding. Graduates often go on to tackle careers in translation, international relations, teaching, and other fields that demand fluency in various languages.

Common courses for foreign language majors:

  • Translation and Interpretation
  • Linguistics 
  • Literature and Culture
  • Comparative Literature


Ranking Methodology:

To create this list of easiest college majors, we combined available data from studies of 3 universities (Wake Forest, UC Berkeley, and UCSD) on the average bachelor's degree GPA per major. The science and STEM fields typically rank at the top of any "hardest majors" list, so we took to the opposite and looked at which degrees or majors had the highest GPAs and a substantial graduating class of students  to see which majors appear easiest to graduate with high marks.


  • Should I consider an easy college major?
    • Whether easy or difficult, you should pursue a college major that aligns with your interests, skills, and career ambitions. Additionally, an easy major for you might be especially challenging for someone else. Don't be afraid to experiment with different academic topics to determine which major is right for you.
  • Do easy college majors pay less?
    • Not necessarily. A lawyer with a history bachelor's likely makes more than someone teaching computer science at your university. In that same breath, many top-earning professions are associated with computer science. Additionally, while some majors in the humanities are considered "easy" (history, English, philosophy), the research and communication skills that graduates develop can often translate into lucrative careers.
  • Will employers look down on an easy college major?
    • Employers are searching for applicants who align with the job they're advertising. Find a major you're passionate about and that correlates with the career path you’re hoping to pursue—if you work hard and show the ability to succeed and gain experience, the rest will take care of itself.